Background.    The Agency Safety Culture Survey (ASCS) was designed to provide Center Directors with a tool to receive timely feedback on attitudes and perceptions regarding safety culture. A major goal of this survey is to identify and correct latent organizational conditions that may lead to accidents. The survey helps identify safety concerns so leaders can develop and implement strategies to improve the organization's safety. During survey administration, the Center Safety Point-of-Contact (POC) monitors real-time participation and potential survey issues. Following survey administration, the Center Director and Center POC analyzes the data along with Headquarters OSMA analysis, and outbriefs the Center Directors within 90 days, IAW NPR 8705.6.

Policy.    The following policy has been established regarding the NASA Safety Culture Survey process.
  • Confidentiality - An individual must be free to respond without fear of reprisal, whether the fear is real or perceived. Without this, the data gathered may be inaccurate and of minimal use. Only the Safety Culture Survey POCs and administrators have access to the survey data. With the exception of the Safety Culture Survey administrators, individual survey participants and their responses will not be identified, and this will only be used for survey analysis. Survey results may be shared with other Agency departments for data integration analysis.

  • Access - The survey can be taken from any computer or mobile device with Internet access at home or at work.

  • Results - No results will be shown of any demographic with 5 or fewer people. Each Center Director will get their results after the survey closes. Dissemination of results varies from Center to Center based on leadership discretion (e.g., some Centers provide results on the Center's SharePoint site). Corrective Actions will be developed based on the Center Director's direction.

  • Participation - All employees (Civil Servants, Contractors, Detailees, Tenants, and Students) are encouraged to participate.